Communication Resource
Methodist Communication Resource is an Adapted Mainstream Integrated Resource for children from reception to year 6 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The Resource aims to meet the needs of those children with Autism Spectrum Conditions and/or speech, language and communication needs.
What do we do?
We provide an adapted sensory provision which reduces sensory stimulation for our pupils allowing them to successfully access a class room environment. By providing a safe, secure and nurturing environment, our learners are given the best possible opportunity to achieve their full potential both academically and socially whilst developing speech, language and communication.
We deliver a broad and balanced adapted curriculum with a high emphasis on social communication. We offer academic and/or social inclusion as well as reverse inclusion for pupils within mainstream school who have social communication difficulties. We offer a wide range of opportunities which are led by the children’s needs and interests.
Pupils attending the Resource come from across the Wakefield District and admission into our Resource is co-ordinated by Wakefield Local Authority via the Special, Needs & Assessment Team (SENART).
Meet our Team
Teacher in Charge: Mrs Amy Holmes-Edwards
Specialist Learning Support Officer: Mrs Cate Bradley
Specialist Learning Support Assistants: Abbie Wilson, Alison Roberts, Tracey Earnshaw, Amy Taylor
The safeguarding of children at Methodist Resource if our top priority. We follow the school safeguarding policy and we are part of Operation Encompass within school.
Our Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Amy Holmes-Edwards
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Cate Bradley
The school safeguarding policy can be found under Key Information, Safeguarding.
Visits to the Resource are always welcomed and can be arranged by contacting the Teacher in Charge through the resource office on 01924 204946 or if resource staff are teaching through the main school office on 01924 204940.
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